Conference Chair's Message

06 - 08 May 2024   |   Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
MEPEC 2024 Conference Chair

MEPEC 2024 Conference Chair

Walid Al Naeem

Vice President & Chief Engineer, Aramco

The 6th Middle East Processing Engineering Conference & Exhibition took place on 6-8 of May 2024 at the Dhahran Expo, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dear MEPEC 2024 Participants,


As the Conference Chairman, I am truly honored to be part of this remarkable event that brought together industry leaders, subject matter experts and innovators from around the world. MEPEC has established itself as a premier platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration and technological advancements in the field of process engineering, and I have no doubt that MEPEC 2024 will continue this tradition of excellence.

The theme of MEPEC 2024 revolves around digitalizing process engineering for a sustainable future, it offers an exceptional program filled with engaging keynote speeches, thought-provoking panel discussions, informative technical sessions and interactive workshops. Our speakers lineup of local and global experts will share their expertise, experiences, and insights, inspiring us to push the boundaries of what is possible in process engineering. It is through these collaborative efforts that we can drive positive change and make significant strides towards a more sustainable and efficient energy landscape.


I encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunities provided at MEPEC 2024. Engage in meaningful discussions, network with fellow professionals and explore the exhibition area where leading companies, technology providers and service providers will showcase their cutting-edge products and solutions.

I wish you a fruitful and memorable experience at MEPEC 2024. Let us seize this opportunity to shape the future of process engineering and pave the way for a sustainable and prosperous energy future.


Warm regards,

Walid A. Al Naeem,

 Vice President & Chief Engineer


Conference Chair, MEPEC 2024

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