Abstract Review Process

06 - 08 May 2024   |   Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The abstract review group consisting of technical committee members will undertake a review of all abstracts and provisionally allocate acceptable ones into a draft program for the Technical Committee Chairman’s consideration. iPosters are a separate category when uploading an abstract. The submitter must choose if he is submitting his abstract either for an oral presentation or an iPoster presentation.





24th June 2019

Response to Authors

28th July 2019

Technical Program Finalized

1st August 2019

Abstract Scoring System




Quality of Content Introduction/Rationale Introduction or rationale must provide a clear background to the rest of the abstract and should be reinforced in the conclusion.
Objectives Objectives must outline the content or expectations of either the project (generally appropriate for research, practical case studies and education topics) or the presentation (may be more appropriate for experience-based presentations, workshops or other presentation formats).
Methods/approach Methods or approach must provide a clear description of the methodology used, and it must be appropriate to the objectives and rationale of the project or presentation.
Results/practice implications Results or practice implications must indicate clearly the findings of the project/presentation, and they must be consistent with the methodology and objectives.
Conclusions Conclusions must be consistent with the introduction or rationale and objectives, so that the information is complete.
Educational Value Interest and appeal to audience What would be of interest to them? Is the content relevant? Does it bring a perspective that is relevant to current practice?
Important contribution to research/practice/theory or knowledge Does the abstract indicate the possibility of changing current practice? Does it add significantly to the current body of work in this area?
Novel or innovative contribution, relevant to the conference theme Is the information novel/unique/innovative in some way? Is the approach or methodology new or different from known approaches? Do the results provide support for a new approach or for changing an accepted approach? Are the ideas presented provocative? Does the abstract reflect the theme of the conference?
Quality of Written Abstract Self-contained Is the abstract self-contained? It is important to consider grammar and writing style in this section only, and not let poor grammar influence all ratings; some readers rate this section first and rate on first impressions. Try to be objective. Look for judicious use of acronyms, abbreviations, references.
Coherent & Readable Abstract should be clear on first reading; repeated readings for clarity indicates lower readability. The content should be in a logical sequence. Remember that English may not be the first language of many authors.

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